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Minister Schembri visits the RGF / Il-Ministru Schembri jżur l-RGF
Today it was a pleasure to meet and welcome the Minister for the Economy and Industry Hon. Silvio Schembri, where discussions centred around the Foundation's work and the continuation of the educational program amongst professionals who provide helpful services in the area of problematic gambling.
Kien ta' pjaċir għalina nilqgħu llum fostna lill-Ministru għall-Ekonomija u l-Industrija l-Onorevoli Silvio Schembri, fejn ġie diskuss ħidmet il-Fondazzjoni u t-tkomplija tal-programm ta' taħriġ fost professjonisti li joffru servizzi ta' għajnuna fil-qasam tal-logħob problematiku.
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