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Maltco presents a cheque of €6,000 to the RGF for a scholarship at the UOM on responsible gaming research

Maltco Lotteries has presented a cheque of €6,000 to the Responsible Gaming Foundation for a scholarship at the University of Malta on responsible gaming research being conducted at a local level. Maltco Lotteries has led the responsible gaming agenda on the Maltese Islands for the benefit of all stakeholders and is also certified by the World Lottery Association’s Responsible Gaming Framework and by the European Lotteries Responsible Gaming Standards.Maltco’s mission is to provide a wide spectrum of entertaining games of chance and skill to players in Malta, within a transparent and accountable environment, based on responsible gaming Principles. Recently the company trained over 500 agents in Responsible Gaming, Anti-Money Laundering and in “Service with a Smile” to reinforce the importance of a high-quality customer experience within retail outlets.The aim of the Responsible Gaming Foundation, headed by Hon Silvio Schembri, is to create a wider awareness of the extent, possible causes and consequences of excessive gambling in Malta with specific focus on prevention and to provide support and advice to compulsive gamblers in their journey to recovery.The scholarships which the Responsible Gaming Foundation will be funding through this sponsorship, will centre on research within the gaming industries and the development of the user, in order to enjoy gaming in a responsible manner and purely as a form of entertainment.For further information email, visit the Maltco website or call 2388 3000 or visit

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