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RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

Gambling operators with a responsible obligation / Operaturi b'obbligu ta' responsabbiltà

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said looks at the responsible gambling obligations licensed operators must abide by in their daily routines.

Kevin O'Neill's Interview on GamblingnGo

Mr Kevin O'Neill: Creating a Sustainable iGaming Industry Through Responsible Gaming

Starting as an avid recreational poker player, Mr. Kevin ONeill was drawn to the exciting atmosphere of casinos before formally entering the iGaming industry in 2014 with the Maltese regulator. Dealing firsthand with player complaints gave him an up-close look at problem gambling, instilling a drive to prioritize responsible gaming initiatives. This passion led to Kevin’s 2021 appointment as Head of the Responsible Gaming Foundation, where he now aims to bring innovative approaches to promote ethics and sustainability within the industry while raising awareness of operators’ responsibility to treat players with dignity and respect.

RGF's article on Times of Malta

Celebrating a decade of responsibility / Niċċelebraw għaxar snin ta' responsabbiltà

In celebration of Problem Gambling Awareness Month and the 10th anniversary of our foundation's commitment to supporting individuals affected by gambling issues, we're thrilled to spotlight our General Manager's contribution published in the Sunday Times of Malta newspaper.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

We take a look at the usury problem / Nitfgħu ħarsitna fuq il-pjaga soċjali tal-użura

In its tenth year and during the month dedicated to responsible gambling practices, the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA features our Communications Manager Kayne Said taking a look at one of the worst repercussions of problem gambling.

Our Tenth Year Anniversary / L-Għaxar Sena Tagħna

As the Foundation is celebrating its tenth year, in the popular Sunday newspaper it-Torċa, Communications Manager Kayne Said informs us about the primary aim of the same Foundation to encourage gamblers to keep up to date with responsible strategies.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

Solitude that may lead to addiction / Solitudni li tista' twasslek għall-vizzju

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-Torċa, Communications Manager Kayne Said informs us that the Foundation considers problem gambling amongst our elderly as a reality, and it's our immediate duty to listen to the pains and provide support.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

The Foundation publishes its Annual Report 2022 / Il-Fondazzjoni tniedi r-Rapport Annwali 2022

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-Torċa, Communications Manager Kayne Said informs us about the publication of the Annual Report 2022.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

The addiction we carry with us in the workplace / Il-vizzju li nġorru magħna fuq il-post tax-xogħol

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-Torċa, Communications Manager Kayne Said informs us how to react to problem gambling situations that also impact the workplace.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

Problem gamblers with mental sickness related to other addictions / L-ivvizzjat b'mard mentali relatat ma' vizzji oħrajn

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-Torċa, Communications Manager Kayne Said informs us about relevant stats coming out from in regards to problem gamblers and their mental states.

RGF's articke on IT-TORĊA

Gambling's social dimension / Id-dimensjoni soċjali tal-logħob tal-azzard

In the popular Sunday newspaper IT-TORĊA, General Manager Kevin O'Neill writes about the importance of keeping the positive social aspects of gambling whilst potential risks get addressed.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

Self-exclusion and recovery / L-esklużjoni u l-proċess ta' rkupru

In the popular Sunday newspaper It-TORĊA, Communications Manager Kayne Said informs us why excessive gamblers should use self-exclusion as a valid recovery process.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

We continue to widen our support resources / Inkomplu nespandu r-riżorsi ta' sapport għal dawk fil-bżonn

In the popular Sunday newspaper It-TORĊA, Communications Manager Kayne Said informs us how the Foundation is widening its resources to promote more responsible gambling practices using the Gamban Blocking Software.

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