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RGF's article on the Sunday Times of Malta

Towards a safer gambling ecosystem | Lejn ekosistema ta' logħob tal-azzard aktar sikur

The Foundation participated in this year's European Safer Gambling Week with a dedicated micro-campaign, during which its staff raised awareness about responsible gambling practices.

Excessive virtual gaming and the need for alternatives | Logħob virtwali eċċessiv u l-ħtieġa għal alternattivi

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said looks at virtual gaming amongst Maltese adolescents through the HBSC 2022 Study.

RGF's article on Sunday Times of Malta

Shining a light on mental health | Nitfgħu dawl fuq is-saħħa mentali

The Foundation participated in this year's World Mental Health Day with a dedicated micro-campaign to raise awareness about a critical yet often overlooked issue: the impact of gambling in the workplace on mental health. Follow our General Manager's piece on the Sunday Times of Malta.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

Repercussions of excessive gambling on mental health | Riperkussjonijiet tal-eċċessività fuq is-saħħa mentali

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said, in light of the Mental Health Awareness Day celebrated this month, writes about the world of excessive betting and gambling and how this activity can affect the development of mental health problems.

RGF's article on the Sunday Times of Malta

The unique risks of women in gambling | Il-logħob tal-azzard u r-riskji uniċi li jpoġġi fuq in-nisa

As gambling continues to evolve in the digital age, it is crucial to recognise that women are not immune to the risks associated with gambling.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

What leads a gambler to play excessively | X'iwassal biex ġukatur jilgħab b'mod eċċessiv

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said writes about what leads a gambler to play excessively.

RGF's article on the Sunday Times of Malta

Promoting Responsible Gambling | Il-Promozzjoni ta' Logħob tal-Azzard Responsabbli

General Manager Mr Kevin O'Neill provides a comprehensive look at the economic and social impacts of gambling and how to address challenges in promoting responsible gambling practices.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

The importance of balanced and responsible gamblers | L-importanza ta' ġukaturi bilanċjati u responsabbli

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said stresses that during every gambling move, personal health, financial situations, and mental states are more important than any gambling win.

RGF's article on IT-TORĊA

The Olympics and sport betting / L-Olimpijadi jġibu wkoll magħhom l-imħatri sportivi

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said looks at the betting activity accompanying all sporting activities. This year, the Olympics are also bringing with them extensive opportunities for this type of betting.

RGF article on Times of Malta

Knowing when to blow the full-time whistle on your betting | Meta tkun taf tgħid daqshekk imħatri sportivi

Our General Manager, Mr Kevin O'Neill, provides insight into sports betting during global events such as Euro 2024.

RGF article on it-TORĊA

Euro 2024: Tendency for more betting | Ewro 2024: Tendenza għal aktar imħatri

In the popular Sunday newspaper it-TORĊA, our Communications Manager Kayne Said looks at the European football competition, Euro 2024, where he emphasises responsibility amongst those sports betting enthusiasts.

RGF's article on Times of Malta

The ethics element in the gambling industry / L-element etiku fl-industrija tal-logħob tal-azzard

"By implementing measures to prevent addiction and support customers who may be at risk, a company can show genuine concern for its customers' well-being."

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