Always there to support sport alternatives / Dejjem hemm biex nappoġġjaw alternattivi sportivi
The Foundation is supporting Siggiewi Basketball Club with a generous donation that will strengthen their technical equipment and improve their sports facilities. In the presence of Honorable Minister Silvio Schembri and the Club's President Mario Caruana, the Foundation's General Manager Mr Kevin O'Neill wished the club to reach its targets and at the same time keep our young ones away from addictions like excessive problem gambling.
Il-Fondazzjoni qiegħda tappoġġja lil Siggiewi Basketball Club b'donazzjoni finanzjarja ġeneruża biex jissaħħaħ tagħmir tekniku u jittejbu l-faċilitajiet sportivi tagħhom. Fil-preżenza tal-Onorevoli Ministru Silvio Schembri u tal-President tal-klabb Mario Caruana, il-General Manager tal-Fondazzjoni s-Sur Kevin O'Neill awgura lil dan l-istess klabb sportiv biex jilħaq il-miri tiegħu u fl-istess ħin iżomm liż-żgħażagħ 'il bogħod mill-vizzji fosthom dak tal-logħob tal-azzard eċċessiv.
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