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Before and after the gambling activity / Qabel u wara l-attività tal-logħob tal-azzard

On Sunday’s popular newspaper It-Torċa, the RGF’s Promotions Executive Kayne Said writes about what happens to the addict before and after the gambling activity.


Read the article.


Do you have a gambling problem? Keep strong and search for help.


Call 1777.

Fuq il-gazzetta ferm popolari It-Torċa, l-Uffiċjal Eżekuttiv għall-Promozzjoni Kayne Said jikteb dwar x'ikun qed jiġri fl-ivvizzjat qabel u wara l-attività tal-logħob tal-azzard.

Segwi l-artiklu.

Jekk tħoss li għandek problema, għamel kuraġġ u fittex l-għajnuna. 

Ċempel 1777.

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