Continuing to offer alternatives for addiction / Inkomplu noffru alternattivi għall-vizzju
Continuing to offer alternatives for addiction
The 12th edition of ‘‘Logħob għal Kulħadd’’ in Rabat, Malta, is proceeding on the right track as the children’s games were a huge success from previous years as St Paul’s square saw a very dense crowd.
The Foundation believes that such activities in a sporting spirit offer a good alternative to addiction and thus the foundation endeavors to contribute.
All this could not be possible without the help of the Rabat Local Council and especially without the support of the Parliamentary Secretary the Honorable Silvio Schembri.
See you for the final night on Saturday.
Inkomplu noffru alternattivi għall-vizzju
It-12-il edizzjoni tal-‘‘Logħob għal Kulħadd’’ fir-Rabat, Malta, għaddejja b’ritmu tajjeb hekk kif is-serata tat-tfal kienet suċċess aqwa mis-snin preċedenti hekk kif iz-Zuntier ta’ San Pawl ra folla numeruża tassew, kemm ta’ parteċipanti u kif ukoll ta’ udjenza.
Il-Fondazzjoni temmen li attivitajiet bħal dawn fi spirtu sportiv iservu ta’ alternattiva għall-vizzji u b’hekk tagħmel minn kollox biex tagħti sehemha.
Dan kollu ma setax isir mingħajr l-għajnuna ta’ Kunsill Lokali tar-Rabat u speċjalment mingħajr l-appoġġ tas-Segretarju Parlamentari l-Onorevoli Silvio Schembri.
Narawkom għas-serata finali nhar is-Sibt li ġej.
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