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Gambling and our elderly / Logħob tal-Azzard u l-anzjani tagħna
The Foundation believes that it is of utmost importance that we inquire about our beloved elderly's routines, in order to reduce the possibility for them to get into harmful habits! All this and more in an interesting article written by Promotions Executive Kayne Said on the Sunday newspaper It-Torċa.
Il-Fondazzjoni dejjem issostni li huwa importanti ħafna li ninteressaw ruħna fir-rutina tal-anzjani tagħna. B'hekk nipprovaw inbiegħduhom milli jaqbdu abitudnijiet mhux mixtieqa! Dan kollu u aktar f'artiklu interessanti miktub mill-Uffiċjal Eżekuttiv għall-Promozzjoni Kayne Said fuq il-gazzetta ta' kull nhar ta' Ħadd It-Torċa.
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