Maltco Lotteries presents €50,000 contribution to the RGF / Maltco Lotteries tippreżenta kontribuzzjoni ta' €50,000 lill-RGF
Maltco Lotteries presents €50,000 contribution to the Responsible Gaming Foundation
Wednesday, 19th June 2019 – Maltco Lotteries presented the contribution of €50,000 to Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Hon. Silvio Schembri who was present on behalf of the Government. This contribution will be ultimately used to financially support the Responsible Gaming Foundation cause, to create awareness on excessive gambling in Malta whilst providing support and guidance to compulsive gamblers.
Maltco contributes to Malta’s economy mainly through job creation and investment as well as to social well-being through an on-going programme of financial support for culture, health and sports. The mission of the company is to provide a wide variety of entertaining games to the Maltese market whilst adhering to the Responsible Gaming Principles. Maltco applies these principles in its daily operations with this commitment being recognised and has led to certifications on Responsible Gaming by The World Lottery Association and The European Lotteries.
During the presentation, Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri referred to the inquiry on the consumption of gambling and gaming services by Maltese residents published at the end of last year by the Malta Gaming Authority. Schembri explained that through the inquiry it has transpired that persons who engage in gambling are most likely to be young adults or senior citizens and have a secondary level of education, likely to be unemployed, part-time employees or students. “This is where the work of the Foundation comes in by carrying out educational programmes amongst the younger generations to instil amongst them the importance of achieving balance and to actively seek alternatives,” said Schembri while adding how the Foundation tends to reach out by means of sports activities amongst others. Schembri thanks Maltco Lotteries for always supporting these initiatives and for their help in the implementation of social programs launched by the Foundation.
Mr Shawn Zammit, General Manager of The Responsible Gaming Foundation expressed satisfaction for the investment that has been made in the Call Centre 1777 by which the foundation continues to offer a better free helping hand to those afflicted by the addiction. Under the supervision of the MGA, the RGF has strengthened the self-exclusion processes. In the meantime, the Call Centre started to work on a 24 hours schedule, together with the much-needed website and chatline revamp in order to provide a more user-friendly and eye-catching look at all the services offered.
Vasileios Kasiotakis CEO of the company stated “Throughout our daily operations, Maltco strictly adopts Responsible Gaming Principles since we truly believe in having the players’ wellbeing at heart. We want to ensure that our players are entertaining themselves in a responsible manner.” On behalf of Maltco Lotteries, Mr Kasiotakis also thanked all stakeholders, Agents and Assistants for their significant contribution.
For further information email, visit the Maltco website or call 23883000.
Maltco Lotteries, a modern and dynamic company established in 2003, holds the latest Licence and Concession to operate the National Lottery of Malta awarded in 2012. Maltco Lotteries provides high-quality, innovative and entertaining games (including lotteries, sports-betting, fast games and instant games) under the auspices of the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA). Players can enjoy a friendly, secure and fun environment in the Maltco Points of Sale, participating in their favourite games, assisted by the well-trained in high client service Maltco Lotteries Agents.
Maltco Lotteries has invested in the state-of-the-art gaming technology and services of INTRALOT; guaranteeing security, trustworthiness, transparency and superior gaming experience. Certified in Responsible Gaming, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and Security Control Standard (WLA SCS) by the European Lotteries and the World Lottery Association, Maltco Lotteries ensures the safest gaming environment through its Agents’ retail network, the largest one in Malta and Gozo, maintaining the leading position in the market. Maltco Lotteries, has an exceptional track record in Corporate Social Responsibility, with continuous support to the Governmental Good Causes Fund and numerous Maltese charitable causes alongside the sponsoring of the local sports and athletes, sustaining the Maltese Society, Culture and Well-being.
The Responsible Gaming Foundation was created with the main aim of seeking and managing funding from the gaming sectors, government, and other channels, to fund projects for research and development of preventive measures in education and to provide support and technologies that enhance and improve responsible gaming.
Maltco Lotteries tippreżenta kontribuzzjoni ta’ €50,000 lill-Fondazzjoni tal-Logħob Responsabbli
L-Erbgħa 19 ta’ Ġunju 2019 – Maltco Lotteries ippreżentat kontribuzzjoni ta’ €50,000 lis-Segretarju Parlamentari għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji, Ekonomija Diġitali u Innovazzjoni Onor. Silvio Schembri li kien preżenti f'isem il-Gvern. Din il-kontribuzzjoni tintuża biex tappoġġja finanzjarjament il-kawża tal-Fondazzjoni tal-Logħob Responsabbli biex toħloq kuxjenza dwar il-logħob tal-azzard eċċessiv f'Malta filwaqt li tipprovdi appoġġ u gwida lill-ġukaturi bi problemi ta’ logħob eċċessiv.
Maltco tikkontribwixxi għall-ekonomija ta’ Malta prinċipalment permezz tal-ħolqien tal-impjiegi u l-investment kif ukoll għall-benesseri soċjali permezz ta’ programm kontinwu ta’ appoġġ finanzjarju għall-kultura, is-saħħa u l-isport. Il-missjoni tal-kumpanija hi li tipprovdi varjetà ta’ logħob tad-divertiment lis-suq Malti filwaqt li żżomm mal-Prinċipji tal-Logħob Responsabbli. Maltco tapplika dawn il-prinċipji fl-operazzjonijiet tagħha ta’ kuljum, b’dan l-impenn jiġi rikonoxxut u wassal għal ċertifikazzjonijiet dwar Logħob Responsabbli minn: L-Assoċjazzjoni Dinjija tal-Lotterija (WLA) u l-Assoċazzjoni tal-Lotteriji Ewropej (The European Lotteries).
Waqt il-preżentazzjoni s-Segretarju Parlamentari għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji, Ekonomija Diġitali u Innovazzjoni Silvio Schembri rrefera għar-riċerka dwar il-konsum tas-servizzi tal-logħob u tal-logħob tal-azzard minn residenti Maltin li giet ippubblikata fl-aħħar tas-sena l-oħra mill-Awtorità Maltija dwar il-logħob (MGA). Schembri spjega li minn din ir-riċerka rriżulta li l-persuni li jinvolvu ruħhom fil-logħob tal-azzard x’aktarx huma żgħażagħ jew anzjani li għandhom livell sekondarju ta’ edukazzjoni u li probabbli m’għandhomx impjieġ, jaħdmu fuq bażi part-time jew huma studenti. “Dan huwa fejn jidħol ix-xogħol tal-Fondazzjoni li twassal programmi edukattivi fost il-ġenerazzjonijiet iż-żgħar sabiex tiġi kkomunikata l-importanza li jinkiseb bilanċ u li jinstabu alternattivi oħra” qal Schembri waqt li żied li l-Fondazzjoni għandha t-tendenza li tuża l-attivitajiet sportivi fost oħrajn. Schembri rringrazzja lil Maltco Lotteries talli dejjem appoġjat dawn l-inizjattivi u għall-għajnuna li l-kumpanija tagħti fl-implimentazzjoni tal-programmi soċjali mnedija mill-Fondanzzjoni.
Is-Sur Shawn Zammit, General Manager tal-Fondazzjoni tal-Logħob Responsabbli esprima s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu għall-investiment li sar fil-Call Centre 1777 li permezz tiegħu l-Fondazzjoni qed tkompli toffri servizz aħjar li hu offrut b'xejn lil dawk kollha li għandhom il-vizzju tal-logħob. Taħt is-superviżjoni tal-MGA, l-RGF saħħet il-proċessi tas-self exclusion. Sadanittant il-Call Centre beda jopera fuq skeda ta’ 24 siegħa flimkien mal-website u ċ-chatline li reġgħu ġew iddisinjati sabiex jipprovdu esperjenza iktar faċli filwaqt li jiġbdu l-għajn tal-utent. Dan kollhu jkopri s-servizzi kollha offruti mill-Fondazzjoni.
Vasileios Kasiotakis CEO tal-kumpanija sqarr li “Matul l-operazzjonijiet ta’ kuljum, Maltco tadotta strettament il-Prinċipji tal-Logħob Responsabbli dan hekk kif aħna verament għandna għal qalbna l-ġid tal-ġukatri. Aħna rridu niżguraw li l-ġukaturi tagħna jiddevertu b’mod responsabbli.” F’isem Maltco Lotteries, is-Sur Kasiotakis irringrazzja lill-iStakeholders kollha, l-Aġenti u l-Assistenti għall-kontribut sinifikanti tagħhom.
Għall-iktar informazzjoni ibgħat email fuq, żur is-sit ta’ Maltco fuq jew ċempel fuq 23883000.
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