Maltco with their annual contribution to the foundation / Maltco b'kontribuzzjoni annwali lill-Fondazzjoni
Today, on the popular Sunday newspaper It-Torċa, we give a look at what happened a few days ago. Maltco Lotteries, in the presence of Hon. Silvio Schembri, continued to reaffirm the company’s commitment towards Responsible Gaming by announcing a further contribution to the Responsible Gaming Foundation in Malta whilst launching its campaign “Balance is the Name of the Game - Play Responsibly”.
Illum, fuq il-gazzetta popolari ta' kull nhar ta' Ħadd It-Torċa, nagħtu ħarsa lejn x'ġara matul dawn l-aħħar jiem. Maltco Lotteries, fil-preżenza tal-Onorevoli Silvio Schembri, kompliet tafferma mill-ġdid l-impenn tagħha lejn il-Logħob Responsabbli billi ħabbret donazzjoni oħra lill-Fondazzjoni Logħob Responsabbli, filwaqt li nediet il-kampanja bis-slogan "Balance is the Name of the Game - Play Responsibly".


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