MOU signed between RGF and FKNK / Iffirmat MOU bejn l-RGF u l-FKNK
The Responsible Gaming Foundation, together with the participation of the Ministry for the Economy and Industry, is supporting the installation of radio transmitters on a number of turtle doves, as part of our healthy collaboration with the FKNK on the ongoing project “Turtle doves captive-breeding for release into the wild”. RGF believes that the continuation of the project which began in 2017, is an activity alternative to the gambling problem in our society. Also, the release into the wild of the project’s captive-bred turtle doves is a tangible contribution that Malta can do towards the conservation of this species in the wild, and agree with FKNK that other IT means for monitoring the bird’s movements have to be adopted, including the use of radio transmitters’ tracking devices.
Il-Fondazzjoni Logħob Responsabbli, bil-parteċipazzjoni tal-Ministeru għall-Ekonomija u l-Industrija, qed tappoġġja l-installazzjoni ta’ trasmettituri tar-radju fuq għadd ta’ ġamiem, bħala parti mill-kollaborazzjoni b’saħħitha mal-FKNK permezz tal-proġett “Tnissil tal-gamiem fil-magħluq u tluq fis-selvaġġ”. Il-Fondazzjoni temmen li l-kontinwazzjoni tal-proġett li beda fl-2017, iservi ta’ alternattiva għall-problema tal-logħob tal-azzard fis-soċjetà tagħna. Barra minn hekk, ir-rilaxx fis-selvaġġ tal-gamiem imrobbijin fil-magħluq parti mill-proġett hu kontribut tanġibbli Malti lejn il-konservazzjoni ta’ din l-ispeċi fis-selvaġġ, u taqbel mal-FKNK li għandhom jiġu adottati mezzi oħrajn teknoloġiċi għall-moniteraġġ tal-movimenti ta’ dawn l-għasafar, inkluż l-użu ta’ apparat ta’ traċċar permezz ta’ trasmettituri tar-radju.
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