Promoting the RGF as a source of information on gambling / Inkomplu nkunu sors ta’ għarfien
Aktar promozzjoni grazzi għall-gazzetta ferm popolari ta’ kull nhar ta’ Ħadd It-Torċa.Matul din is-sena l-Fondazzjoni għal Logħob Responsabbli tajna importanza kbira u investejna sew fil-Kampanja Medjatika Nazzjonali.Kampanja li komplejna nifirxuha ma’ aktar pjattaformi medjatiċi.B’hekk qed inkomplu nkunu sors ta’ għarfien dwar il-vizzju tal-logħob u kif ukoll dwar is-servizzi ta’ għajnuna li aħna noffru għal min ibati mill-vizzju jew dawk viċin tagħhom.Ċemplu 1777. Ninsabu hemm biex ngħinukom.Għamlu LIKE u SHARE fuq il-paġna facebook tagħna:
More promotion thanks to the popular Sunday newspaper It-Torċa.Along this year the Responsible Gaming Foundation gave utmost importance and invested heavily in its National Media Campaign.A campaign that we continued to widen along more mediatic platforms.Hence we continue being a source of information on the gambling problem and also at promoting the help services we offer for those that are in a way or another involved in the gambling problem.Call 1777. We are there to help.LIKE and SHARE our facebook page:
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