Promotion on our roads / Promozzjoni fit-toroq tagħna
Inkomplu nsaħħu aktar il-promozzjoni tagħna. Bilbords li għadhom kemm ġew installati fit-toroq tagħna jagħtu l-informazzjoni kollha neċessarja lil dawk li qegħdin jiffaċċjaw problemi bil-vizzju tal-logħob f’ħajjithom.Fittex l-għajnuna. ĊEMPEL 1777. Ninsabu hemm biex ngħinuk u nassistuk bl-aħjar mod possibbli.L-informazzjoni kollha tiġi ttrattata b’mod kunfidenzjali. Like + Share our facebook page on + Share l-paġna tagħna fuq facebook fuq
Widening, even more, our promotional reach. Billboards installed recently on our roads give all the necessary information for those facing gambling problems in their life. Seek help. CALL 1777. We are there to give you all our assistance. All information will be treated confidentially.
Widening, even more, our promotional reach. Billboards installed recently on our roads give all the necessary information for those facing gambling problems in their life. Seek help. CALL 1777. We are there to give you all our assistance. All information will be treated confidentially.
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