Supporting Żebbuġ Rangers YFN / Nappoġġjaw lil Żebbuġ Rangers YFN
We continue to aid in the provision of alternatives to excessive gaming and gambling. We are assisting Zebbug Rangers FC Youth Nursery in order to strengthen the equipment used in football training. This morning we put forth a €5,000 donation to the Committee in the presence of Honorable Minister Silvio Schembri.
Inkomplu nsostnu l-alternattivi għall-vizzji, fosthom dawk tal-logħob u logħob tal-azzard. Qegħdin nappoġġjaw lil Zebbug Rangers FC Youth Nursery biex isaħħu t-tagħmir tagħhom għat-taħriġ tal-futbol fit-tfal tagħna. Dalgħodu ressaqna donazzjoni ta' €5,000 lill-Kumitat fil-preżenza tal-Onorevoli Ministru Silvio Schembri.


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