The Foundation present at the European Safer Gambling Week 2021 / Il-Fondazzjoni preżenti fil-European Safer Gambling Week 2021
The Foundation was present during the last webinar organised by the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA), as part of the European Safer Gambling Week 2021.
Our General Manager Mr Kevin O'Neill accompanied Dr Zachary Sciberras from the Malta Gaming Authority, where Dr Sciberras presented, explored and discussed the deployment of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the online gambling sector.
Mr O'Neill also discussed the social aspects of the local gambling scenario and emphasized the Foundation's support services.
Follow the webinar:
Il-Fondazzjoni kienet preżenti waqt l-aħħar webinar organizzat mill-European Gaming and Betting Association, bħala parti mill-European Safer Gambling Week 2021.
Il-General Manager is-Sur Kevin O'Neill akkumpanja lil Dr Zachary Sciberras mill-Awtorità Maltija għal-Logħob, fejn is-Sur Sciberras ippreżenta l-użu tal-intelliġenza artifiċjali fis-settur tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn.
Is-Sur O'Neill iddiskuta wkoll l-aspett soċjali tal-logħob tal-azzard u enfasizza s-servizzi ta' sapport li tipprovdi l-Fondazzjoni.
Segwi l-webinar:
Photo Credit: Domenic Aquilina
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