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The most important step... / L-aktar pass importanti...

L-aktar pass importanti…

Illum fuq il-gazzetta IT-TORĊA, l-Uffiċjal Eżekuttiv għall-Promozzjoni Kayne Said jikteb dwar l-aktar pass importanti għal min qed ibati mill-vizzju tal-logħob tal-azzard.

Matul dawn il-festi tal-Milied taħsibx biss fik innifsek, imma aħseb ukoll f'dawk ta' madwarek.

Ċempel 1777.

Għajnuna 24 siegħa kuljum.

The most important step...

Today on the Sunday newspaper IT-TORĊA, Promotions Executive Kayne Said writes about the most important step for those suffering from gambling addiction.

During the Christmas holidays think not only about yourself but think also about those around you.

Dial 1777.

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