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Cordial Meeting between RGF and Archbishop

Staff from the Responsible Gaming Foundation and the Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth held a cordial meeting with His Excellency, Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta, on Wednesday 15th April 2015. Issues at heart of both institutions were discussed, namely the ever-growing problem of gambling addiction, the aspect of responsibility in our everyday lives, the importance of education and research in related fields and the corporate social responsibility aspect of the gaming industry. Both entities agreed on the importance of cooperation and synergy to lessen the burdens of behavioural addictions on society as a whole.Hon. Jose Herrera highlighted the fact that the gaming industry is a major contributor to Malta’s economy yet the social aspect cannot be ignored. MP Silvio Schembri, RGF chairman, emphasised that the underlying message has to showcase gaming as a recreational activity and not as a money-making habit. His Excellency Mgr Charles J. Scicluna stated that all stakeholders need to hold an intense outreach and holistic programme targeting all sectors of society; from youngsters to adults.

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